Ultragirl vs Eddy


Ultragirl wanted to spend her day off visiting her fans in Atlanta. While out, she received an alert that her civilian base is being infiltrated by the notorious Eddy. She makes a beeline for her home and goes to confront Eddy. She’s determined to teach him a lesson and end his days of carrying helpless women over his shoulder.

Eddy starts taunting Ultragirl by calling her Bella insinuating he knows her true identity. This only makes her stronger and impervious to his attacks. She easily tosses Eddy around and subdues him. She’s close to taking off his mask and arresting him when she hears a menacing voice bellowing in her ear. “ULTRAGIRL!” This very voice paralyzes her in her tracks. He calls her again. “ULTRAGIRL!” She’s again paralyzed with fear wondering if her true nemesis, Skullkid, is near. “ULTRAGIRL!” The distractions prove vital as Eddy gets the jump on her with his patented rag attack. This enables him to strip her magic belt from around her waist rendering her powerless. He spends the rest of the video playing around with his new super-victim. BELLYPUNCHING HANDGAGS SLEEPERHOLD MULTIPLE OTS CARRIES WARDROBE REMOVAL LIMP LIMB CHECKS


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